Structural Survey

Mini or Basic Structural

This is a basic type of structural building survey. It is suitable for most building structures. They are also recommended when you intend to alter or renovate. The engineer will inspect the property thoroughly, looking at most structural elements such as external walls, internal walls and roofs that are visible or easily accessible. It does not comment on non structural issues. The report provided will be thorough and cover most aspects. The mini or basic structural survey normally takes around an hour on site plus reporting. Costs for this service vary to the location, age, type and size of the property. Please contact Datson Consulting Ltd for an individual quote but in general they range from £550.00 to £700.00 plus VAT (£660.00 to £840.00).

Full Structural

This is the most comprehensive type of building survey. It is suitable for any structure, but is especially recommended for older buildings or those constructed out of unconventional materials such as timber or thatch plus properties which have had lots of alterations or extensions. They are also recommended when you intend to alter or renovate. The engineer will inspect the property thoroughly, looking at everything that is visible or easily accessible to examine the structure, its general condition and all major or minor faults. The report provided will be thorough and detailed. Every building is likely to have some defects and the engineer will advise the indicative repair or maintenance cost of the work required. A full structural survey normally takes four to five hours on site plus reporting. Costs for this service vary to the location, age, type and size of the property. Please contact Datson Consulting Ltd for an individual quote but these range from £1,650.00 plus VAT (£1,980.00) upwards.

Specific Defect Report

This is specific structural survey to report on a single defect or multiple defects, usually highlighted from a previous Mortgage Valuation Report or Homebuyer Survey and conducted by a Chartered surveyor. If a structural defect or defects are noted they recommended a qualified Chartered Engineers report to comment on the cause and remedial work required.  Costs for this service vary to the location, age, type and size of the property. Please contact Datson Consulting Ltd for an individual quote but in general they range from £550.00 to £700.00 plus VAT (£660.00 to £840.00).

Datson Consulting Ltd work closely with many mine search companies such as Mining Searches UK in this regard giving excellent value for money when a suspected problem is identified. Further information on mining related issues can be found on their website at together with full information of the company. We also undertake Land Inspection Reports for quarries, slopes or other ground issues related to property transactions or development. Our instruction form can be used to instruct Datson Consulting with a copy of the mine search:

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